Wednesday 15 June 2011

Throughout my progression and development I have ended up here. Which is where I've always wanted to be.

From the start I have had the idea with masks. How it conceals the way people view photographs. Our eyes and brain don't quite understand it at first and confuses us. Combining animal and human form. Detail with blankness. Old and new. Beautiful and eerie.

The contrast makes it work. How your eyes look at an image and your mind thinks "That's not right." It's the twist it gives to the image. By having such an innocent and pure image and then masking it with something contrasting gives it an edge.

I believe, it gives that jolt of fear. Only for a second before you bring back composure.

Friday 10 June 2011

Close up shots for smaller photos on exhibition. These will either be square or rectangle.

The reason why i am doing close up shots are because I wasn't sure what photo I was going to use whether it was a small image of one of the girls in the far distance so you couldn't actually see the girls and you had to get closer to the photo to see what it was or look for "clues" in the close up photos.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Rest of the photos from the shoot. Still not entirely happy with all of the editing but will work again on it.
Happy with some of the photos too. Saved all these photos in both TIFF and PNG.

All photos from the shoot unedited

Location - The Downs

I thought this was a perfect location to do my shoot. The enclosed area was so empty which was perfect for this shoot as it looks creepy and the lighting coming through the trees gives the eerie atmosphere combined with a great contrast with shadows and highlights.

The winding path leading down gives a sense of danger like in the horror films where the villain comes up behind them. Especially the path leading up to my models.

Some props used today. The dress I have had a while back from halloween. The doll I found in a dingy vintage shop in Brighton for (£5), the bear in a charity shop (£2) and i bought the mask x 2 for £3.50 off Amazon.
First photo of my shoot today with the gas masks.

Although i am still editing through them.
Loaded in a Phenix DC303N, the film was Kodak 400- 3 VR Plus. I had this film loaded since the beginning of April. It had shoots from Danni's corset, The Mercury Exhibition and my first mask shoot. Apparently I did not load it in properly. Which is strange since I have used this film and this camera before (Claudine's photos). So I don't know what happened to this. I am gutted about this because most of the mask shoot was on here and I did want to see what they would come out like.

It just makes me think of what equipment i should use in the future.